Business Receipts: What is Sufficient?

In a recent Tax Tip, CRA stated that an acceptable receipt for income tax purposes must contain all of the following: the date of the purchase; the name and address of the seller; the name and address of the buyer; the full description of the goods or services purchased; and the vendor’s business number if the vendor is a GST/HST registrant. Credit card statements are not generally acceptable unless they contain all the above information.…

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Employment Expenses for Commissioned Employee: Sponsorship

In a January 23, 2023 French Court of Quebec case, a commissioned salesperson deducted nearly $600,000 over2015 and 2016, in sponsorship expenses of a professional cycling team in Canada. The individual was an investment advisor and reported commission income of $1,493,910 and $1,263,360 and taxable capital gains of $2,276,374 and $99,767 in the respective years. The taxpayer argued that the sponsorship promoted his services as an investment advisor. As the main sponsor of the cycling…

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