Dedicated to the Success of Your Business
Jacoby and Games Chartered Professional Accountants have been serving the Victoria, BC region for over three decades. We are a group of dedicated professionals who firmly believe the best measure of our success is the success of our clients.
Our Latest Posts

Short-term Rentals: Sale of Property – GST/HST Issues
Due to the proposal to deny deducting expenses related to non-compliant short-term rentals, some owners may consider selling their short-term rental property. While it is

Short-term Rentals: Denial of Expenses
In late 2023, the Federal government announced its intention to deny income tax deductions for expenses by non-compliant operators of short-term rental properties (such as

Canada Pension Plan: Timing of Starting Payments
Individuals can start collecting Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement benefits as early as age 60. However, benefits are decreased by 0.6%/month (7.2% per year) prior

Crypto-Assets: Reviews and Audits
A recent communication from CRA indicated that they have roughly 400 ongoing audits or examinations related to crypto-assets, including 125 “intent to audit” letters sent

Business Receipts: What is Sufficient?
In a recent Tax Tip, CRA stated that an acceptable receipt for income tax purposes must contain all of the following: Credit card statements are

Covid-19 Benefit Program Debts
In July 2024, CRA began issuing legal warnings and taking legal measures to collect outstanding personal COVID-19 benefit program debts. Individuals who have not responded